Selim Esedoglu's Publications and Preprints
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Zaitzeff, A.; Esedoglu, S.; Garikipati, K. Variational extrapolation of implicit schemes for general gradient flows. Submitted.



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Salvador, T.; Esedoglu, S. The role of surface tension and mobility model on simulations of grain growth. Submitted.



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Zaitzeff, A.; Esedoglu, S.; Garikipati, K. On the Voronoi implicit interface method. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.



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La Boissoniere, G.; Choksi, R.; Esedoglu, S.; Barmak, K. Statistics of grain growth: Experiment vs. phase field crystal and Mullins models. Materialia.



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Salvador, T.; Esedoglu, S. A simplified threshold dynamics algorithm for isotropic surface energies. Journal of Scientific Comptuing.



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Esedoglu, S. Algorithms for motion of networks by weighted mean curvature. Proceedings of the ICM 2018.



Link to paper Jacobs, M.; Merkurjev, E.; Esedoglu, S. Auction dynamics: A volume constrained MBO scheme. Journal of Computational Physics.
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Esedoglu, S.; Jacobs, M.; Zhang, P. Kernels with prescribed surface tension & mobility for threshold dynamics schemes. Journal of Computational Physics.
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Esedoglu, S.; Jacobs, M. Convolution kernels and stability of threshold dynamics methods. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis.
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Elsey, M.; Esedoglu, S. Threshold dynamics for anisotropic surface energies. AMS Mathematics of Computation.

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Farmer, B.; Esedoglu, S.; Smereka, P. Crystallization for a Brenner-like potential. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 349:3 (2017), pp. 1029-1061.

Esedoglu, S. Grain size distribution under simultaneous grain boundary migration and grain rotation. Computational Materials Science. 121 (2016), pp. 209-2016.
Calder, J.; Esedoglu, S.; Hero, A. O. A PDE-based approach to non-dominated sorting. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 53:1 (2015), pp. 82-104.
Calder, J.; Esedoglu, S.; Hero, A. O. A Hamilton-Jacobi equation for the continuum limit of non-dominated sorting. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 46:1 (2014), pp. 603-638.
Esedoglu, S.; Otto, F. Threshold dynamics for networks with arbitrary surface tensions. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 68:5 (2015), pp. 808-864.
Esedoglu, S.; Rätz, A.; Röger, M. Colliding interfaces in old and new diffuse - interface approximations of Willmore flow. Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 12:1 (2014), pp. 125-147.
Elsey, M.; Esedoglu, S.; Smereka, P. Simulations of anisotropic grain growth: Efficient algorithms and misorientation distributions. Acta Materialia. 61:6 (2013), pp. 2033-2043.
Elsey, M.; Esedoglu, S. Fast and accurate redistancing via directional optimization. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 36:1 (2014), pp. A219-A231.
Calder, J.; Esedoglu, S. On the circular area signature for graphs. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 5:4 (2012), pp. 1355-1379.
Esedoglu, S.; Santosa, F. Error estimates for a bar code reconstruction method. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (Special Issue in Honor of Avner Friedman). 17:6 (2012), pp. 1889-1902.
Kublik, C.; Esedoglu, S.; Fessler, J. Algorithms for area preserving flows. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 33:5 (2011), pp. 2382-2401..
Elsey, M.; Esedoglu, S.; Smereka, P. Large scale simulations and parameter study for a simple recrystallization model. Philosophical Magazine. 91:11 (2011), pp. 1607-1642.
Elsey, M.; Esedoglu, S.; Smereka, P. Large scale simulation of normal grain growth via diffusion generated motion. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 467:2126 (2011), pp. 381-401.
Elsey, M.; Esedoglu, S.; Smereka, P. Diffusion generated motion for grain growth in two and three dimensions. Journal of Computational Physics. 228:21 (2009), pp. 8015-8033.
Esedoglu, S.; Ruuth, S.; Tsai, R. Diffusion generated motion using signed distance functions. Journal of Computational Physics. 229:4 (2010), pp. 1017-1042.
Ni, K.; Bresson, X.; Chan, T. F.; Esedoglu, S. Local histogram based segmentation using the Wasserstein distance. International Journal of Computer Vision. 84:1 (2009), pp. 97-111.

Esedoglu, S.; Slepcev, D. Refined upper bounds on the coarsening rate of discrete, ill-posed diffusion equations. Nonlinearity. 21:12 (2008), pp. 2759-2776.


Ruan, D.; Esedoglu, S.; Fessler, J. Discriminative sliding preserving regularization in medical image registration. IEEE Int. Symp. Biomed. Im. Conf. (2009).


Ruan, D.; Fessler, J.; Esedoglu, S. Discontinuity preserving regularization for modeling sliding effects in medical image registration. Proc. IEEE. Nuc. Sci. Symp. Med. Im. Conf. (2008).


Elsey, M.; Esedoglu, S. Analogue of the total variation denoising model in the context of geometry processing. SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation. 7:4 (2009), pp. 1549-1573.


Kolev, K.; Klodt, M.; Brox, T.; Esedoglu, S.; Cremers, D. Continuous global optimization in multiview 3D reconstruction. Proceedings of EMMCVPR 2007.


Chan, T. F.; Esedoglu, S.; Ni, Kangyu. Histogram based segmentation using Wasserstein distances. Proceedings of SSVM 2007.


Esedoglu, S.; Greer, J. Upper bounds on the coarsening rate of discrete, ill-posed, nonlinear diffusion equations. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 62:1 (2009), pp. 57-81.


Esedoglu, S.; Smereka, P. A variational formulation for a level set representation of multiphase flow and area preserving curvature flow. UCLA CAM Report 07-19 (July 2007). Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 6:1 (2008), pp. 125-148.


Bertozzi, A.; Esedoglu, S.; Gillette, A. Analysis of a two-scale Cahn-Hilliard model for image inpainting. SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation. 6:3 (2007), pp. 913-936.


Esedoglu, S.; Ruuth, S.; Tsai, R. Threshold dynamics for high order geometric motions. Interfaces and Free Boundaries. 10:3 (2008), pp. 263-282.


Chan, T. F.; Esedoglu, S.; Park, F. A fourth order dual method for staircase reduction in texture extraction and image restoration problems. UCLA CAM Report 05-28 (April 2005). Proceedings of the ICIP 2010.


Chan, T.; Esedoglu, S.; Park, F. Image decomposition combining staircase reduction and texture extraction. JVCI. 18:6 (2007), pp. 464-486.


Chan, T. F.; Esedoglu, S.; Nikolova, M. Finding the global minimum for binary image restoration. Proceedings of the ICIP 2005.


Esedoglu, S.; Ruuth, S.; Tsai, R. Threshold dynamics for shape reconstruction and disocclusion. UCLA CAM Report 05-22 (April 2005). Proceedings of the ICIP 2005.


Bresson, X.; Esedoglu, S.; Vandergheynst, P.; Thiran, J. P.; Osher, S. Fast global minimization of the active contour/snake model. UCLA CAM Report 05-04 (January 2005). J. Math. Imaging and Vision. 28:2 (2007), pp. 151-167.


Chan, T. F.; Esedoglu, S.; Park, F.; Yip, M. H. Recent developments in total variation image restoration. In "Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision". Springer Verlag, 2005. Edt. by: N. Paragios, Y. Chen, O. Faugeras.


Bertozzi, A.; Esedoglu, S.; Gillette, A. Inpainting by the Cahn-Hilliard equation. UCLA CAM Report 06-07 (February 2006). IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. 16:1 (2007), pp. 285-291.


Esedoglu, S.; Tsai, Y.-H. Threshold dynamics for the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah functional. UCLA CAM Report 04-63 (October 2004). J. Comput. Phys. 211:1 (2006), pp. 367-384.


Chan, T. F.; Esedoglu, S.; Nikolova, M. Algorithms for finding global minimizers of denoising and segmentation models. UCLA CAM Report 04-54 (September 2004). SIAM J. Appl. Math. 66 (2006), pp. 1632-1648.


Zhu, W.; Chan, T. F.; Esedoglu, S. Segmentation with depth: A level set approach. UCLA CAM Report 04-49 (August 2004). SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 28:5 (2006), pp. 1957-1973.


Chan, T. F.; Esedoglu, S. Aspects of total variation regularized L^1 function approximation. UCLA CAM Report 04-07 (February 2004). SIAM J. Appl. Math. 65:5 (2005), pp. 1817-1837.


Chan, T. F.; Esedoglu, S. A multiscale algorithm for Mumford-Shah image segmentation. UCLA CAM Report 03-57 (December 2003). Submitted.


Esedoglu, S.; Osher, S. J. Decomposition of images by the anisotropic Rudin - Osher - Fatemi model. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 57 (2004), pp. 1609-1626.


Esedoglu, S. Blind deconvolution of bar code signals. Inverse Problems. 20 (2004), pp. 121-135.


Esedoglu, S. Stability properties of the Perona-Malik scheme. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 44 (2006), pp. 1297-1313.


Esedoglu, S.; March, R. Segmentation with depth but without detecting junctions. J. Math. Imaging and Vision. 18 (2003), pp. 7-15.


Esedoglu, S.; Shen, J. Digital image inpainting by the Mumford - Shah - Euler image model. European J. Appl. Math. 13 (2002), pp. 353-370.


Esedoglu, S. An analysis of the Perona-Malik scheme. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 54 (2001), pp. 1442 - 1487.

Research leading to some of the publications listed on this page was supported by the National Science Foundation through grants DMS-0410085 (later DMS-0605714), DMS-0713767, and DMS-0748333. In addition, some of the projects were supported by a contract from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and some by an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation fellowship.