Math 419: Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory


Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.


133 Chrysler Center


Jeffrey Lagarias

Office: 3086 East Hall, tel.: 763-1186,

Office hours:

(Note changed times:)
Monday 5--6pm in office, 3086 East Hall
Wednesday 5pm--6pm in office, 3086 East Hall;
Thursday, directly after class 1:30-2:30pm in Stache's Sandwiches, basement of Pierpont commons; (also there Tuesday after class for less time) ;
Alternatively, by chance or appointment in 3086 East Hall


Otto Bretscher, Linear Algebra with Applications, third edition, Prentice Hall, 2004

Calculator/computer policy:

Calculators/computers are not allowed on exams or quizzes. Similarly, calculators/computers are not allowed if the homework problem says: "use paper and pencil" (you must show your work). However, you are encouraged to use MATLAB or MAPLE to check the obtained solution. For the rationale of this policy, please see section "Computers and Computation", pages xi--xii of the book.


The final grade will be computed from the following:

Homework: 25 %
Quizzes: 10 %
Two midterm exams: 20 % each
Final exam: 25 %

Homework problem sets will be given once a week, to be turned in first thing the following week. No late homeworks will be accepted. Similarly, quizzes are generally once a week (excluding exam weeks) and can not be made up.


First midterm exam: Thursday, October 14, in class
Second midterm exam: Tuesday, November 23, in class
Final exam: Wednesday, December 22, 4 - 6 p.m., in class (133 Chrysler Center)
Office hours final review session: Tuesday, December 21, 5 - 6+p.m., at office, 3086 East Hall]

  • Graded Homework Assignments
  • Ungraded Practice Problems
  • Solutions to Quiz #1 (09/09/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2
    Solutions to Quiz #2 (09/16/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2
    Solutions to Quiz #3 (09/23/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2
    Solutions to Quiz #4 (09/30/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2   Problem #2 (second solution)
    Solutions to Quiz #5 (10/07/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2
    Solutions to Quiz #6 (10/28/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2
    Solutions to Quiz #7 (11/04/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2
    Solutions to Quiz #8 (11/11/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2
    Solutions to Quiz #9 (12/02/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2
    Solutions to Quiz #10 (12/09/04)   Problem #1   Problem #2

    Solutions to the first midterm exam (10/14/04)

      Problem #1   Problem #2   Problem #3   Problem #4   Problem #5   Problem #6   Problem #7

    Solutions to the second midterm exam (10/14/04)

      Problem #1   Problem #2   Problem #3   Problem #4   Problem #5   Problem #6   Problem #7

    Last updated December 11, 2004