Text: Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry I,
Claire Voisin, ISBN
I will be following the text fairly loosely.
In particular, I want to make sure that you come out of this
course with a fair amount of experience working with sheaves, and with
some basic examples of complex algebraic varieties, which means I will
spend more time on these topics than Voisin does, and get to them
earlier. I also expect to follow the book more closely as the term
goes on, since I have fewer strong opinions about how the later
material should be taught.
Office Hours: 2844 East Hall, Monday 10-12 and Thursday 2:30-4:00. Also, please feel free
to knock on my door or e-mail me at any time.
Professor: David E Speyer, 2844 East Hall, speyer@umich.edu
Course homepage: http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~speyer/632.html
Level: Graduate students with some familiarity with manifolds, complex analysis and algebraic topology.
Student work expected: I will give problem sets every week, due
Tuesdays in class. I will also require students to take turns serving as
scribe for the course, meaning taking TeXed notes on what I have said
that day.
Homework Policy: You are welcome to consult each other
provided (1) you list all people and sources who aided you, or
whom you aided and (2) you write-up the solutions independently, in
your own language.
Scribing: I will require students to take turns signing up to
record, in TeXed format, what I said in lecture. The due date for
turning notes is one week after the lecture, sent to me by
e-mail. I highly encourage you
to be faster, as this will both be easier for you and more helpful for
you fellow students. You may want to bring a laptop to class and try live
TeXing (some useful tips here).
I will edit these notes before posting them.
If you are scribing and are
confused about some point from the lecture, please let me know so that
I can work with you. Of course, this also applies if you are confused
and are not scribing!
There are currently 14 students registered for a 28 lecture class. A
few of these will be review classes which will not need scribes, and I
will scribe the first lecture myself. If all of you remain for the
whole term, then most of you will scribe twice. I expect a more likely
estimate is that you will wind up scribing 3–4 times.
For your convenience, this LaTeX template provides some convenient
formatting and macros. I will add useful macros throughout
the term as I think of them.
If you are a TeX wizard who would rather use some other template,
this is fine.
If you have never learned how to use LaTeX, then you really need to,
as it is the standard tool of all mathematical publishing and will be
crucial to anyone pursuing a career as a mathematician. Please alert
me to your situation, and I will help you.
A useful website for getting help with LaTeX difficulties is tex.stackexchange.com.
Note that these notes will be posted publicly online, in both TeX and
PDF form, with your name attached to them, and that I may edit them to
remove errors in my lectures or your understanding of them.
You give me permission to do this, but otherwise retain copyright to
your notes.